Dr. Mashner at The Gut Authority is a holistic medicine doctor in Daphne, AL. Our team specializes in treating you as a whole and getting to the root cause of your issues rather than just treating symptoms. We also enjoy getting to serve the residents in Spanish Fort, AL.
Traditional medicine works to treat your symptoms with a variety of medications that typically lead to other symptoms. Medications are given to treat those symptoms and before long, you’re on a long list of medications without any true help for your concerns. Holistic medicine works to get to the root cause of your issue and will give you the tools you need to help your body heal from within.
Often, issues such as GERD and heartburn are a sign that you’re gut is in bad shape. We provide nutritional and lifestyle counseling to equip you with the knowledge you need to start making the right choices. Healing your gut will also prevent numerous other problems such as anemia, malabsorption, and inflammatory gut issues.
While our office is located in Daphne, Alabama, we do enjoy getting to serve the community in Spanish Fort and those that reside in 36577. We’ve put together these directions to help you get to our office at 9113 Merritt Lane. If you’re in Spanish Fort, just follow these simple steps to get here:
Our office building is on the right. You can give us a call at any time if you’re having trouble finding us!
If you’re ready to heal your gut and restore balance to your body then the team here at The Gut Authority is anxious to help you out! Give us a call today so we can get your first appointment scheduled.