Dr. Mashner is a holistic medicine practitioner that serves people who live in Fairhope, AL 36532. His patients travel to the office located in Daphne to find the natural healthcare provider they are looking for. He is passionate about helping people identify the underlying cause of their symptoms.
As a natural healthcare provider, Dr. Mashner views your health as a whole. Instead of simply trying to alleviate symptoms, he finds the root cause and helps you address that. Through different tests, he can get an idea of your health situation and put together a personalized plan for you.
Holistic healthcare doctors use a variety of modalities to help their patients. All of these methods are designed to aid the body in healing itself. When you give your body the tools it needs, it has the ability to function like it is supposed to.
The Gut Authority is located in Daphne, AL and has patients that come from surrounding areas such as Fairhope. Fairhope is located in Baldwin County just like Daphne. It’s seated on the sores of the Mobile Bay and part of the Daphne-Fairhope-Foley Micropolitan area.
To get here from Fairhope, you will:
If you are having a hard time finding our office, call us right away and we’ll be happy to guide you. We are proud to serve 36532, 36533, and 36559, and the surrounding communities.
If you are searching for a holistic medicine practitioner near you, get in touch with us right away. We’ll help you get started on your health journey. Our staff is available to schedule you for an appointment to see Dr. Mashner and get the process started. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!