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Ulcers: What Causes Them?

Ulcers: What causes them?

Do you experience stomach discomfort after you eat? Perhaps stomach pain keeps you up at night or prevents you from eating food at all. If this sounds like you, you may have an ulcer. The team at The Gut Authority has some information about ulcers, what causes them, and how to recover naturally. 

What Are Ulcers?

What exactly are ulcers? If you struggle with chronic nausea, burning stomach sensations, or heartburn, you may suffer from ulcers. These are sores in the lining of your stomach that result from excessive medications, bacteria, or stomach acid. 

These sores can eat through your stomach lining, skin, or even the lining in your mouth. Although many people suffer from stomach ulcers, there are several types of ulcers that can cause damage and significant pain. 

Different Types Of Ulcers

Ulcers cause pain and can take a while to go away, either with treatment or on their own. You can have them anywhere, on or inside your body. The different types of ulcers include:

  • Peptic – found in stomach, intestine, or esophagus 
  • Mouth – often called “canker sores”
  • Genital – results from sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Venous – open wounds from damage to your veins, usually on the legs
  • Arterial – happens from a lack of blood flow and usually affects the arterioles around your feet

These groups include a few different types of ulcers that can occur on or inside the body. The most common type of ulcer is a stomach or peptic ulcer. 

What Causes Ulcers?

Now that we know some information about ulcers, let’s explore what causes ulcers. Most people who suffer from ulcers deal with issues related to the stomach. There is mucosa lining your digestive tract, which helps protect your digestive system from harmful bacteria and acid. If something you ingest harms the lining, it breaks down, making it susceptible to damage. 

Helicobacter pylori bacteria (H. pylori) in your stomach’s mucous layer help protect against harmful acid in your stomach and intestines. However, if something causes inflammation, the bacteria become inflamed, creating an ulcer. 

A Few Common Causes

Peptic ulcers can occur inside the stomach or intestinal lining. Besides issues with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, a long-term use of non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause damage and trigger an ulcer. If your doctor prescribes steroids, blood thinners, or serotonin inhibitors, adding NSAIDs can create an ulcer.

Smoking, overuse of alcohol, and family history can also contribute to ulcers. Many people think that spicy food can cause ulcers. While there is little evidence to support this theory, eating certain foods can make your symptoms worse if you already have an ulcer.

Recognizing the Symptoms

How do you know if you have an ulcer? Some people experience painful symptoms, while others do not suffer at all. A few common symptoms of stomach ulcers include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Blood in stool (severe symptom) 
  • Temporary pain that disappears with antacids
  • Burning sensation before or after you eat
  • Loss of appetite

These are a few of the common symptoms associated with stomach ulcers. If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms for a while, it’s important to seek immediate treatment to avoid further damage to your stomach or intestinal lining. 

Recovering From Ulcers

If you think you have an ulcer, the good news is that recovery is possible. Eating certain foods and supplements can restore balance and help you recover from your symptoms. Natural solutions can also help prevent future ulcers from occurring. 

Schedule A Consultation Today

Are you looking for a natural way to recover from ulcers? If you live in Pascagoula, Florida, or the nearby areas, call us The Gut Authority today. We will schedule a consultation and help you recover from your symptoms.

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